Creating a Maestro Interaction

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a custom Maestro interaction with an input spec.

The interaction will be to get some input from Google Forms. We will not include the actual implementation of how to access Google Forms.

1. Creating the Class

The first step is to create a class library with a single class. Give the class a name like "AccessGoogleForm".

Make sure the namespace MyInteractions.Forms matches the class library (dll) name.

Write the following code first in AccessGoogleForm.cs:

using Dacris.Maestro;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

namespace MyInteractions.Forms;

public class AccessGoogleForm : Interaction
    public override void Specify()
        Description = "My super special interaction";
        InputSpec.AddInputs("formId", "startDate", "clientId", "clientSecretKey", "mockAnswers", "outputPath");
        InputSpec.StateObjectKey("mockAnswers").ValueSpec = new ValueSpec
            ValueType = ValueTypeSpec.Object,
            ObjectSpecs = [new InputSpec { Name = "@answerKey", ValueSpec = new ValueSpec { ValueType = ValueTypeSpec.String } }]

    public override async Task RunAsync()
        if (AppState.Instance.IsMock())
            // TODO: Implement a mock interaction that does not actually use HTTP
        // Write out the responses to State
        // TODO: create the responses list and output it as array in the state:
        //AppState.Instance.WritePath(InputState["outputPath"]!.ToString(), new JArray(responses.ToArray()));

        System.Console.WriteLine("This is coming from my interaction");

2. Explanation and More Details

First of all, please take a look at the provided sample project, SampleCustomLib, which includes a very basic interaction, to see how it's all set up.

All interactions inherit from the Interaction class.

Notice the Specify() method. This method is optional, in that you can leave it empty if you do not care to have a spec available in the Maestro Assembler.

Maestro Assembler uses the InputSpec provided in order to generate sample input state for you so that you don't have to write all that JSON manually.

What InputSpec specifies is the structure of the input coming from State.json for this interaction. Any data types and data structures are given.

Below is an example of input in State.json used by the AccessGoogleForm interaction.

    "formId": "1",
    "startDate": "2023-01-01",
    "clientId": "999",
    "clientSecretKey": "",
    "outputPath": "$.formOutput"

3. Integrating Your Library into Maestro

All you need to do is copy your .dll file and all dependencies into the folder where LogicAppRunner.dll is located.

With Maestro Framework 2.1, we have seamless integration with Maestro Assembler.

4. Running a Test App

To run a test app with this interaction, try putting the code below in a file called SampleApp.txt. Don't forget to create a State.json.

alias Dacris.Maestro as the
alias MyInteractions as my

read state from file using the Core
access google form using my Forms with inputObject

Execute this test app using LogicAppRunner.dll and you will see a line on the console saying "This is coming from my interaction".